Industry News

The benefits of swinging for kids

1. Exercise body balance

Swinging on the swing can not only exercise people's body balance, but also cure seasickness, motion sickness and other problems. It is also a good whole-body exercise in itself. When a child is on a swing, the human skeletal muscles will contract and relax rhythmically, which is beneficial to the health of the human muscles and to the activation of the bones.

2. It is good for the mind

Swinging is also very beneficial to children's psychology. It can continuously overcome children's nervousness and fear, and enhance children's psychological endurance and self-control.

3. Good for waist

Swinging on the swing is also very good for the waist, because when a person swings on the swing, the waist is repeatedly stimulated as the body swings, and the muscles of the waist will contract and relax rhythmically. waist and abdominal strength.

4. Contribute to the rapid maturation of inner ear balance function

Babies often scratch their ears, buckle their ears, and pat their heads. The reason is related to the immaturity of the twins, and there is a mild abnormality in the balance. It is like feeling a foreign body in the ear after an adult takes an airplane. The immature inner ear can also show motion sickness. As it grows, the function of the inner ear gradually matures and becomes symmetrical.

Kids Swing